Anjani Jaya
Team Lead - Youth, APUNA (UNA AP&T)
A specific created entity
Connects the people – for scientific methodology content on 24 streams for Human Well being and to brainstorm the do’s anddon’t at the respective corridors of Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific, Research station Mahanandi through State, Central, Inter- Governmental and Private, Political bodies and their platforms of UNA Today for better Tomorrow, UNA Varsity, CGE India and Switzerland, Sustainable Topography, Geo Sust, ICSTI Moscow, UNGC, Mahanandi Declaration, Topo Talk, UNA Publication and UNA-Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
People voice
A resource body for UNA Today and UNA Varsity for analysis of objectives of the United Nations and their specialized agencies along with the Intergovernmental organization’s action oriented programs. Its mandate objective is to bring people voice in between the community and United Nations. UNA AP and Telangana is affiliated to IFUNA and inturn it is affiliated to Ministry of External affairs Government of India and WFUNA New York and Geneva Switzerland located at respective UN headquarters. Further it is promoting,educating with aresearch of Pre and pro SDG’s
Global Voice
Una Today is a unique entity in bringing the global voice message on pressing issues of various streams with cross country research analysis that fall in line with UN Global Goals
Knowledge support
Centre for Green Economy India and Switzerland is the registered entity which contains group of dedicated academic team of experts on different streams. This body is associated with many intergovernmental organizations along with the State, Central and Private entities.
Treasure of Knowledge
It is an informative body which connects people all over the globe in sharing the knowledge and for cross learning virtually and physically. The objective of UN shall be carried out from this house of knowledge to entire communities. Further introducing the implementation of policies from all corridors on Reserve Resources Research program. The power 5 , and Music for health, under New Media and cultural activitiesshall be explored respectively
Women Empowerment
UNA APT strives & thrives in-line withUN women perfectly in empowering onour designed 24 themes
The Mahanandi declaration throws light on the tremendous thought processes of Literature and treasure of knowledge in-line with United Nations and beyond 2060 Vision to shape better policies for better life of human well-being. Further, this declaration shall be documented with scientific methodology which is evident through papers in different streams with cross country research analysis on a comparison of resource content while executing at our upcoming corridor projects of Asia Pacific research
station Mahanandi, Africa and Europe. Many conventions and declarations like Geneva etc. are established by our member states, but this content shall show case activities in line with focus on the future. Finally, this document shall remain before member states as communication on the commonalities in the larger interest of the globe.
Research in women trafficking
Women Empowerment
Women plays a vital role in disseminating the SDG’s to transform the world. As such Our different domain team of Women experts with a capacity of UN signatory shall disseminate the Global compact principles on respective core subjects at all level of community. Further will be reaching by bus to the community sectors to explain on the picture mode and the virtual classes shall be placed uniquely